Treatment ResponsibleWho is the responsible for the treatment of your personal data? IRUN AND HONDARRIBIA CITY COUNCILS.
Treatment ManagerWho is the manager for the treatment of your personal data? AGENCIA DE DESARROLLO DEL BIDASOA S.A.-BIDASOA ACTIVA. CIF: A20421053. Postal address for the exercise of rights relating to the processing of personal data: Hendaia, 8 – Palacio Ducoureau. 20301 Irun (Gipuzkoa). Electronic address for the exercise of rights related to the processing of personal data:
PurposeWhy do we process your personal data? Manage guided tours of the Bidasoa Region for citizens and visitors. Attention to queries related to accommodation and tourist activities in the region. Process complaints, suggestions and claims related to tourism incidents. Management of events linked to the promotion of tourism in the Region. Management of the tourist information application for citizens and visitors. Capture of audiovisual material that may eventually be carried out in the development of the activity. Sending informative information about the activity, resources and services.
LegitimacyWhat is the legitimacy for the treatment of your personal data? Delegated exercise of public powers of the organisations responsible for the processing: art. 6.1.e) of Regulation (EU) 679/2016, General Data Protection Regulation in accordance with the regulations governing public competition: Law 771985, of April 2, on the Bases of Local Regime, Law 2/2016, of April 7, on Local Institutions of the Basque Country and concordant regulations. Consent for the collection of audiovisual material regarding activities and events linked to entrepreneurship, competitiveness and innovation: art. 6.1.a) of Regulation (EU) 679/2016, General Data Protection Regulation. Legitimate interest in sending informative information about the activity, resources and services: art. 6.1.f) of Regulation (EU) 679/2016, General Data Protection Regulation.  
RecipientsIn what cases do we communicate your personal data? Personal data will not be transferred to third parties or organizations, except if necessary for compliance with legally established obligations. art. 6.1.c) of Regulation (EU) 679/2016, General Data Protection. Dissemination of audiovisual material on the Bidasoa Activa website, social networks, communication media and publications. Consent: art. 6.1.a) of Regulation (EU) 679/2016, General Data Protection.
International transfersIn what cases are they carried out? Data management does not imply international transfers of said data.
Conservation How long do we keep your personal data? The data is kept until the end of the visit, resolution of the claim or query, from that moment on there will be a blocking situation and with restricted access to the data that will remain blocked during the limitation periods related to compliance with legal obligations and/or or claims including those relating to the processing of personal information. The data related to the capture and dissemination of audiovisual material will be kept until the consent is revoked, without prejudice to the organization’s power to update and delete content. The data necessary to send informative information will be kept until the receiving person objects or cancels it.
RightsWhat are your rights when you provide us with your data? Interested persons may exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, portability and limitation of processing, and may direct their request for this purpose to BIDASOA ACTIVA through the postal or electronic address indicated in the organization’s identification section. If the person considers that their rights have not been duly attended to, they have the right to file a claim with the Basque Data Protection Authority.
SecurityHow are personal data secured? The data will be treated confidentially and subject to appropriate technical and organizational security measures to prevent its alteration, loss, processing or unauthorized access.