
Most of the stunning traditional oceanfront homes, whose neoclassical architecture can be distinguished by the white façades and colorful half-timbered houses, prove to be a major asset at the beginning of the 20th century. Saint Anne Chapel, which was built in honor of Hendayan sailors, is worth the visit.

By continuing the walk, in town, you will come across Saint Vincent church. Built in 1598, it has all the features of Labourdine churches (a white façade, a wooden gallery). Not far from there, the atmosphere is quite different on the side of Gaztelu Zahar court, the meeting place for pelota players or pelotaris since 1899. We finally arrive at Caneta Port bordered by the Bidasoa River. It holds remains of Vauban ramparts and three canyons.

Abbadia Castleh, built on the steep cliffs of Hendaye between 1864 and 1884, this Neo-gothic masterpiece made the dream of Antoine d’Abbadie (1810-1897) come true. As a Scientist and an Explorer, a Basque activist, he established an astronomic observatory that has worked for nearly a century.

The owner of the Castle was really fascinated by Orientalism and Art Nouveau. It belongs to the Coastal Reserve. This magnificent natural site with an area of 66 hectares has been the privileged remainder of geological history of the Basque Coast for 80 million years. Besides the cut banks, in its discovery the use of an approach combining flora and fauna. Details are available at Asporotsttipi, the House of the Basque Corniche. The surroundings have been classified and protected as a Natural Space. Hondarraitz, more than trhee kilometers long beach, its offers a wonderful playing ground for children and adults. Its long strip of sand is ideal for outdoor sports..

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